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Tuesday, August 09, 2005

usher, lil' jon, luDicrous. - yeah, absolutely luDicrous.

some of the things i've heard recently about 1e are really ludicrous. but anyway i shud not comment much..at least not here, not now. and i do not believe its the whole class thats behind this.(im not gonna be a bastarD and reveal which class, im not that baD. granteD, some of you might Disagree wif wat im Doing here, cos although i've not exactly revealeD the class yet, my methoDs have DroppeD a fairly big hint. but heck, i dun give a Damn)

anyway back to the point, i dun think its the whole class, its just certain inDiviDuals. and really, i hope you people are reading this, cos really, its impossible to compare two classes just like that. we both rock in our own ways, and comparing (dun wish to use the word "blasting") does not serve ANY purpose at all. and please, no more hasty generalisations. thanx

alps. i think the new class rule will not work well at all. anyway talking about how bonded our class is..i feel it cud be better. the bond forged by fun is sure as hell there, but the trust? im not so sure.

and yes, we should study, and ill TRY to convince myself to work harder. TRY.

on to less important stuff, i think we shud have joint PE on friday, subject to 1d's and pe teachers' approval. and we cud play touch rugby or anything. doesn't matter cos the guys will WIN. hahahaha kidding.

have a happy national day...

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